What is the greatest day of Hajj
The great hadeeth al-Allaah says: "And Allaah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on the day of great pilgrimage, is that Allah is innocent from the polytheists and His Messenger. The greatest day of Hajj It is a day of sacrifice or arafah, according to the difference between scholars, and this is one of the day of God's blessings. Umrah Package December 2017 providing the cheap rates of hajj and umrah package. On the Day of Judgment, the greatest Muslim scholars have two opinions in the day of great life. Some of them said that the day of sacrifice is the day of sacrifice, Dhaka-ul-Hajj is the tenth day. This theory was shared by majority scholars, such as Imam Malik and Altaf-e-Azam, this great day, Jamar Akaba, I The number of Muslims performed Hajj on h, throat, etc., and stood at night. The second group of scholars agreed that the biggest day of Hajj is the day of Arafah, such as Abu Hanifa and Shafiq On the day of sacrifice and prayer on ...